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OSP has the most Points of Presence of any ISP. We now cover 30 towns in Papua New Guinea This means faster local speeds.
OSP has a launched InetMobile. This is a 3G/GPRS/EDGE based USB Modem that can be used anywhere in PNG that has Digicel Coverage. Speeds are >500Kbps on 3G.
Vehicle tracking via the web enables businesses to manage their vehicles better. See I-Net Track at here.
Hotspot access at Airports and hotels. Look for the SSID = OSP Hotspot at the International and Domestic.
When you registered with the Online South Pacific service, you were prompted to choose both a username and a password.

Your username is used to identify yourself each time you connect to the Internet. Your password is used to verify that you are who you say you are - as only you should know your password.

Your Online South Pacific password is the only thing standing between your private account details and a computer criminal. Once someone has your password, they can log into your account, access your email, run up exorbitant bills and masquerade as you online.
1. Guard your password
2. Selecting a password - be imaginative
3. Changing your password
4. Disclosing your password - general rule
5. Disclosing your password to the Help Desk
1. Guard your password
Your password, then, is a very important piece of information. Treat it with the same secrecy as you would the PIN used to access your bank account.

You should not disclose your password to anyone (except where you contact the Help Desk for assistance on 3200633).

There are a number of guidelines that we recommend all members follow in order to keep their password private and secure:

You should not write it down or store it where someone may come across it.
Do not send your password via email.
You should make sure that you haven't elected to 'save' your password in the dialogue box that is displayed each time you connect to the Internet. We suggest that you explicitly enter it every time you connect, to avoid anyone else using your account in your absence or in the event that the computer is stolen. To verify that your password is NOT stored, check that the 'Save password' option is NOT selected in the dialogue box displayed when you connect.
2. Selecting a password - be imaginative
Many computer criminals use special password cracking programs which can try tens of thousands of combinations of words and letters in less than a minute. They generally try obvious passwords first, then names and derivatives of names. Then they start using a 'dictionary-based attack', which involves checking each word in a standard dictionary. Despite the risk such cracking programs pose, 20% of people use the same password!

Be creative when choosing a password and change it regularly.

When choosing a password:

- avoid any obvious choices, such as your first or last name, or the names of family members.
- avoid obvious passwords, like 'secret' or 'password'
- don't use your nickname or 'pet' name or your date of birth
- don't use days of the week or names of months
- don't use your username as your password
- avoid using any word that appears in either an English or foreign language dictionary
- The best passwords are alphanumeric and consist of at least 10 characters (that is, they consist of both letters and numbers, for example: baggley288).

If you have problems remembering difficult passwords, here's a trick. Think of your favourite movie, song or book. Take the first or last letter from each word in the title and then add your current age plus the last two digits of your bank PIN plus the first two digits of your phone number.

Passwords are also case-sensitive, always use lower-case characters when typing in your password.
3. Changing your password
You should change your password regularly (at least once a month is recommended). You can change your password by logging into the Members section of the Online South Pacific Web site, located at:

1. In the Members page, click the Change Password option.
2. You will then be prompted to enter your username, your current password and your new password twice (to make sure there are no typographical errors when you enter it).
3. Then click the 'Change' button.
4. The change of password will take place immediately. You will need to supply your new password the next time you log in or check your email.
4. Disclosing your password - general rule
You must not transmit or otherwise disclose your password to anybody (unless you have rung our Help Desk for assistance).
5. Disclosing your password to the Help Desk
If you phone our Help Desk and request assistance, the consultants may need your password to access your account. In this case, it is OK to disclose your password.

Please note, however, that we never make outbound calls that would involve asking for password or credit card details, so if you get a call like this you know it isn't us.
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